American Veterinary Medical History Society
Five Irishmen, Five Brothers, Five Veterinary Surgeons
Five Irishmen, Five Brothers, Five Veterinary Surgeons
By John E. Going
To be published fall 2023
John Going, PhD, has spent more than 30 years researching the unique and fascinating background of his family that has included 5 Irish brothers, all of whom became veterinary surgeons.
This is their story. Four of them emigrated from Ireland to America and participated in various aspects of the US Cavalry and the embryonic development of the veterinary profession in the last half of the nineteenth century, while the fifth brother joined the Royal Horse Artillery in India during the Raj.
7” x 10” book, approx. 160 pages including appendix; well documented, numerous illustrations and references.
Published by the American Veterinary Medical History Society
Because the Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization with limited financial resources, donations toward page design and printing are greatly appreciated.
Gifts of any amount are welcome to help offset publication costs.
​Donors contributing $250 or more will receive a complimentary copy, signed by the author.
DONATIONS by check or money order to:
Five Irishmen book
American Veterinary Medical History Society
23 Wedgewood Drive
Ithaca, NY 14850-1064
Payable to: American Veterinary Medical History Society
DONATIONS by credit card via PayPal®: Add note for Five Irishmen book
The book will be a limited edition. Orders for reserved copies are now being accepted. Payment will be processed when the book is released later this fall. The price is not yet set but will be less than $50.
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For questions about donations and information on ordering, including multiple copies:
AVMHS Secretary-Treasurer
Tel: 607-257-9248