American Veterinary Medical History Society
Become a Member
All persons interested in the history of veterinary medicine are welcome and encouraged to join.
Annual memberships includes two issues of Veterinary Heritage and periodic Interim News & Comment newsletters, and more.
Add $10.00USD for addresses outside the United States.
$50.00 for individual members
$60.00 for couples (2 individuals at same address)
$20.00 for students
$500 for life members (one time)
Join by Mailed Check
Makes checks/money orders payable to: American Veterinary Medical History Society
Mail to: Susanne Whitaker, AVMHS Secretary-Treasurer, 23 Wedgewood Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850-1064
Join by Credit Card via PayPal®
An additional $10 for shipping outside the United States will be added at checkout.
Non-Profit Status
AVMHS is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization making membership dues and donations tax deductable.
Veterinary Heritage Subscriptions for Libraries
Separate subscriptions to Veterinary Heritage ($40 USD for 2 issues/year) are available, primarily for libraries. An additional $10.00 USD will be added at checkout for addresses outside the United States.
An additional $10 for shipping outside the United States will be added at checkout.
Donate to AVMHS
You may donate any amount you wish with the button below. There is a "comment" section in the donation process that will let you specify what your gift is for. Or you can leave it undesignated.
Gift Guest Memberships
Membership in AVMHS is open to anyone interested in veterinary history.
We also welcome and encourage members to give gift memberships to friends and colleagues who are interested in veterinary history but have not already joined the Society, or might want to learn more about the rich heritage of this profession, while supporting AVMHS's educational activities.
A letter with the list of names and contact information (or use the Gift Membership form) can be sent to the AVMHS Secretary-Treasurer at any time.